Lou Janelle
January photographer of the month:
Mary Lou Jubin
... and don't miss the treat at the end!

The word amateur dates back to the 1700's from the French word ameour, meaning “Lover of” and the Latin word amatorem, “to love.” As an amateur photographer, I love capturing images to use in my own creative way. My spirit is free to learn, expand and explore the world through my camera lens.
I recall being fascinated as a child by time-lapse photography. It sparked my life-long interest in nature and photography. I took photos, in the days of film, of my bicycle adventures. Several photos were accepted and published in the book Bicycling, A Golden Guide. This experience made me think that someday I would love to have time to explore nature with my camera. After I retired, I began to merge my photo skills with my love of the hammered dulcimer, composing, writing, and creative crafts. Digital camera photography opened a new world for me.
My personal guide to photography is a quote from acclaimed American photographer Irving Penn, “A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it.”
My photos tell a story of a particular moment in time. Some photos inspire me to write hammered dulcimer music. Some of my music compositions send me out on photo shoots! My photos lead me to create limericks and rhymes, books and cards, kaleidoscopes, and most importantly hammered dulcimer/photo story programs to delight and inspire people. I want my audiences to learn about, see and appreciate the everyday world around them in new ways! It is rewarding to me to fulfill Irving Penn's standard of good photography and touch the hearts of people. You don't have to be a professional photographer to make a difference!
My advice:
1. Take a daily camera walk-alone.
2. Take lots of photos. (Different angles, distances, lighting)
3. Remember, it's not what you look at but what you see.
4. Critique your own photos.
5. Keep a sense of humor and have fun.
6. Share your photo talent. A good photo touches someone's heart!
In conclusion:
Be the best photographer you can be
I think on that you will agree
But until the photo brings cheer
To someone far or near.
It's just a photo you see!
Mary Lou Jubin
Various projects and activities I have found enjoyable...
[note: move cursor off to the side to see entire image]

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A few samples of my favorite photos...