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Lou Janelle
December, 2021 photographer
of the month: Tim McGraw

I'm from Cincinnati Ohio , a retired purchasing agent for an IT company and moved to the Akron area about six years ago to be close to family.
I started out in film , as a member of the old Cincinnati color slide club , I shot a lot of Kodachrome and Velvia back in the day. I shot both digital and film today. I will include some of my photography for you to use.
I've included a little of everything I've captured over the years,
Thank you for for featuring me on the club website as member or photographer of the month.
PS some of the photos were taken on film with digital scan , some were shot on my phone, and some were shot on my two Sony digital cameras.

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Click arrows to advance, click image for large version
To see additional images by other Akron Camera Club Members, go the Members Gallery.
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